One thing that happens when I embark on an effort to be in the third state and higher is a new influence or source of knowledge (or just something I need to know) is made known to me.
So I came across a guy who talks about all that we've been seeing in the world lately, the myriad lunacy and evil, and he sources it to nephilim (Genesis 6), yet in a bold way. Not the usual.
I can't endorse all he's about (and also because he wrote his big book prior to Trump's victory - published in 2014 - it is not cutting edge and all that), but overall he's been helpful to step back and see the big picture. Not necessarily things I didn't know or haven't talked of, but seeing the implications.
To get to it it's the extent fallen angels and demons (spirits of Nephilim) and the hybrid humans in their bloodlines are orchestrating all this evil. Only they could carry through such activities that span centuries, for instance. I always say all this stuff is half physical, half spiritual.
Why don't they just do it fast, once and for all? Probably because their own success hastens their own demise. They are doing their evil, but it's irrational because their destination is eternal hellfire. They are mechanically driven to fill out the plan, inexorably, but they like their lifestyles as well. Also the laws of God's theatre of redemption most likely include that it all can't be destroyed quickly before time is filled.
So this guy - Gary Wayne - in youtube videos and interviews and in his book the Genesis 6 Conspiracy simplifies the phantasmagoria of what everybody includes in conspiracy theory into simple Rephaim. The Nephilim came before the flood, the Rephaim came after the flood. What the Nephilim did that caused the flood the Rephaim are currently doing to cause the Apocalypse. Nothing new under the sun. All the family dynasties, royal and otherwise (Rothschild), all the shady people groups (Jews), all the activity that seems to control humanity in stealth, off the radar (Federal Reserve, secret societies, transnational arrangements, etc.)... It's all the Rephaim doing what was earlier done prior to the flood.
The new knowledge in this is 1) it is always enlightening when you can pull the mask off a thousand-faced being and see the one real face behind that mask. The Bible moves us in this direction subtly as it depicts evil in various masks yet gives clues they are all one. And 2) when we are worked up because of such obvious evil and lunacy we need to be reminded all this is part spiritual phenomena. Obviously we need to not be worked up and freaked out by it. We need to have understanding of it.
Then there is only left our response to it. We don't acquiesce to it but stand against it. We don't give ground especially in our inner being. Our mind, our behavior, etc. If we need a big justification for that it is this: the elect of God are to be finally called out of all this sea of confusion, lunacy, and evil; and the already called out elect are to be tempered and forged in this fire.
I should have added an important point he makes: biblical prophecy comes through the frame (context) of all this supernatural evil. This gives it all biblical reality. It is evil at work, but it is part of the overall plan of redemption. Abomination to God and to us yet a real thing.
This is an interesting point because we can start to see all history as fake. For instance the two world wars were orchestrated by these invisible dynasties so why even take them as real. I.e. why not just see such tragedy as dupes being duped, etc. We can even start to write off American wisdom in her founding in the form of her founding documents and so forth. Why? Because of the Freemasonry and other invisible dynasty evil that is so obvious in the founding. It's like, "They had us even from our founding!" Here we were thinking we were exceptional...
But the point is biblical prophecy speaks of this evil and how it will manifest in this physical world. So the history is real, but a person with understanding will see it biblically rather than in the - for instance - language of patriotism solely, or some other ideological language or narrative put forth...anything but the biblical truth of these supernatural forces pulling the strings...