This is a big, foundational subject for Christians, not talked about in seminaries or churches
"It is truly not Scripture alone that judges humans harshly. It is human beings who have pronounced the harshest and most severe judgment on themselves. And it is always better to fall into the hands of the Lord than into those of people, for his mercy is great. For when God condemns us, he at the same time offers his forgiving love in Christ, but when people condemn people, they frequently cast them out and make them the object of scorn. When God condemns us, he has this judgment brought to us by people—prophets and apostles and ministers—who do not elevate themselves to a level high above us but include themselves with us in a common confession of guilt. By contrast, philosophers and moralists, in despising people, usually forget that they themselves are human." - Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics
In other words, the law without the gospel is demonic (see Islam, and all totalitarian states for starters); and it's the law not just wielded by humans but by fallen angels as well. See in Ephesians 6:10-18 what comprises the armor of a spiritual warrior in battle against such that wield the law without the gospel.