Postmillennialists claim the first and second generation reformers were postmillennial. No, Calvin and those guys were not even deeply into any of that. Calvin didn't even feel like writing a commentary on Revelation. The Jonathan Edwards era types were influenced by Enlightenment beliefs such as science was going to create a golden age, blah, blah. Those notions finally ended in the genocides of the 20th century.
Biblical anthropology still reigns. Man is still inclined to roll in sin like a dog in skunk excrement.
So who are these postmillennialists today, other than the leftover Theonomist and similar types? (Maybe that's all of them...)
I believe they have to be deep state controlled opposition --- or just the equivalent of theological village idiots.
These are people that if the government tattoos a computer code on their forehead they will throw up their hands and say, "Calm down everybody, this is not the mark of the beast. Don't get wacky and nutty!"
Then if the government shoots them up with a so-called vaccine that alters their DNA to the point where they're walking on their feet and hands everywhere they go they'll say, "No, this is not part of some Satanic program, people. Calm down! Don't get wacky and nutty!"
Why are they controlled opposition, or at least act like it? Because Postmillennialism fits hand in glove with the Satanic move to achieve worldwide tyranny. "Hey, Christians, don't sweat it. Everything's going to get increasingly better! Just hang back and watch it happen! Yeah, evangelize...or have a beer, whatever!" Yes, and, all this globalism and organized worldwide tyranny is really God's Kingdom coming together. It just *looks* like the opposite.
One real mark of the end of the end times is the fact that there is only so much real estate on planet earth. Satan never was allowed to have more than a symbolic third of the planet. Islam at its height only had a third of the planet. Marxism at its height in the last century never had more than a third of the planet. Then everybody felt the change with the biblically symbolic two towers coming down. Satan had made a breach into territory that God had up to then kept him out of. All the biblically unique English speaking countries were invaded in ways they'd never been in the past. Western Europe as well. Even literal invasion of Muslims, into countries greatly softened by internal rot of cultural Marxism. Islam and Marxism, after paganism, historically being Satan's biggest fronts.
This is not Postmillennial progress towards a golden age of Christian triumph throughout the world.
Now postmillennialists are banking on a great whiplash action against all that the Marxist/pedophile/globalists are doing. "They're going too far too fast! There will be a big turnabout where people will all awaken to the evil and become Christians!"
There is an awakening taking place as well, true. Yet it seems as always to effect only a remnant of elect. Numbers have never seemed to be a part of God's game plan.
Satan doesn't want people seeing the spiritual battlefield. He doesn't want people discerning good and evil. Satan wants people to continue to call evil good and good evil.
So all this obvious new level evil going on? It's really just Postmillennial progress taking place!
Wake up. You're on a battlefield. Christ returns to his elect who will be at the brink of being overwhelmed and defeated, yet fighting valiantly. Postmillennialists admit that Satan will be loosed at the end, but they think it will be 5 percent evil vs. 95 percent Christian. Reverse those numbers and give thanks to God you have the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
[I should have mentioned I'm Amillennial.]