When learning biblical doctrine you eventually see the terminal basics, ideally. It is here where most academic theologians get bored with the basics and either want to be originial or just veer left.
The other option is once you're able to see and understand and accept the basics you then become experiential with the basics. You drill down into the basics. This gets you into territory where the establishment, academic theologians will say, "Nutty, wacky!"
When Jesus says Be Awake and you drill into that you can hear the chorus of the establishment academics "Nutty, nutty, nutty...wacky, wacky, wacky..." This is where you have to remember what God said: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Because when you fear the Lord you don't fear the world.
When Jesus says Love thy Enemy, the academics can only hear a statement in the category of moralizing and then they don't think about it anymore. Yet if you drill down into it to know it experientially you see there is a world of practice there.
In fact you find that Be Awake and Love thy Enemy are the principle practices of the faith. Of regenerate man.
The establishment academic types will then counter that the principle practices of the faith are to go to a building (with the appropriate letters in front of it), listen to a sermon (from a properly seminary educated eunuch), drink some grape juice, then go get some ice cream.
The guy with the King James Bible walking circles in the grass looking like Jesus in the desert should be avoided at all cost. He is a worldview destroyer. He doesn't just make you angry, he is dangerous. When he tried to enter the church police showed up and said to the elders: "Hey, you know that guy, he's never actually committed any crimes - that we know of - but we've been keeping an eye on him with our elite pre-crime unit. We've tried to tempt him with fake little kids, underage high-school girls, older disabled women, even a goat dressed like a prostitute, but he's never bit. But that doesn't mean it isn't his nature to bite. But like we said, he's never actually committed a crime, so we don't really know what to tempt him with, but we're not going to give up."
Then one of the elders speaks up: "We're going to call him Stigma. He'll never get in our doors. Maybe you can arrest him now anyway? Do you need some false witness?"
Yeah, so be careful drilling down into the basics in an experiential manner. You'll get fake five-year-old children dressed as street walkers passing you by on the sidewalk at 3:00 a.m.