Putting childish things away
Anonymous said...
Lane wrote: "As entertaining as many of your comment have been, they simply have not been in line with the tone I want this blog to have."
Lane is worried about the 'tone' of his blog at the expense of truth, his poor little blogs tone will suffer...oh dear me what a blind and utter fool. I've been following your writings for some time now and totally agree that the time has come to intervene, you can play along with these monsters for just so long. They just dont get it and never will, perhaps until their soul burns in hell.
Merry Christmas,
December 26, 2007 10:59 AM
Blogger c.t. said...
This quote from Lane Keister you bring up was commented on by another blogger who pointed out how nowadays these pastors and so forth want to be seen as 'intellectuals' and 'scholars' and thus bring all the vain nonsense of those environments and associations with them into subject matter (biblical doctrine) that gives no quarter to such nonsense. The blogger then pointed out how the magisterial reformers were rather colorful in letting people know where they stood, and could take as well as they could give, lest they should get off the mark themselves.
R.K. kept pointing out on Lane Keister's blog that there was a tactical reason Calvin kept throwing in a 'dog' and 'filthy swine' when dealing with wolves and false teachers and other errorists; it was because if you give them any kind of opening (such as calling them 'brothers in Christ', as a recent denominational report called certain false teachers after identifying them as false teachers) then the false teachers will use that phrase as a default exoneration of everything they are saying. Which has happened.
Did Calvin really think they were dogs and filthy swine? Probably not, just in grave error, but maybe not necessarily forever. But he had to use that language for tactical reasons. You can't play diplomatic games with wolves.