A kind of summary of a good Protestant work from Edmund Spenser
Stories from Spenser's Faerie Queene, edition 1916 (first published 1897), by Mary Macleod.
Fear God,
it is the
of wisdom.
When you
fear only God
you don't
fear man
(and man's
of you),
which enables
to pursue
What are the conditions of admission into Christ's Kingdom? Simply practical recognition of the authority of the sovereign.
- A. A. Hodge
Stories from Spenser's Faerie Queene, edition 1916 (first published 1897), by Mary Macleod.
Christopher Hitchens is so running away from his Creator. Here's Christopher's new name: "Wicked Little Pot."
Run swiftly, little pot! (The Potter's going to get you!)
R. Scott Clark, Jesuit-in-training at Westminster California, states that the King James Version is friendly to homosexuality compared to the corrupt, scholar-approved modern versions. Yes, homosexuals just love the Authorized Version. It is their version of choice... All their adopting of the modern versions, and infiltrating of modern version translation teams to lessen the impact of God's condemnation of homosexuality aside...
This evil is part of the famine of the end times, a famine for the Word of God. The poison coming out of the seminaries, the shallowness in the 'churches', it is all end time famine. Thank God we still have His Word pure and whole in the Masoretic and the Received Text and the crown translation in English that is the Authorized - King James - Version.
God's own - prophets, priests, and kings - have discernment from the Holy Spirit. Act on it.
Yes, I was interviewed by a Christian blog, but then the ***** emailed them and told them I was a "potty mouth" and that I "actually believes the Bible, even the genocide stuff" and "the AV 1611 no less." So they never published the interview.
Here it is:
Oh, who cares.
Satan use to be pretty, now he looks like a monkey. This is why the children of the devil believe in evolution, because their father the devil looks like a monkey.
When the Anti-Christ eruption is allowed by God to take over the stronghold lands of God's remnant the time is close. The mocking of the church Christians increases, the mocking of the atheists increases, the mocking of the Muslims and all heretics increases. God's remnant are hemmed in from all sides. The return of the King is imminent.
IMPORTANT: Remember, the practical effect of a critical text bible is to put man's vanity, worldly pride, and rebellious self-will in control in being the 'determiner' of what God's Word is. This empowers the Old Man within you and keeps you in the bondage and darkness of the devil's kingdom. It's not only a matter of 'small differences' that corrupt the divinity of Christ, for instance (the little leaven that poisons the whole lump), it is how one stays man-centered when one follows the scholars (scribes) and then engages in the inevitable mocking of the God-preserved Word, mocking the mere notion of a God-preserved Word. It's all system of the Beast at work in the world and in your very being. See and value the Word of God as something that is above you, and not something that you or any scholars determine the existence of, standing above it, looking down on it, making pronouncements. Try to see how that is how the unregenerate automatically operate. They don't know any better (putting it charitably). They've yet to humble themselves to the Word and the Spirit.
On the so-called PuritanBoard there is a woman who gets slammed repeatedly by one or two or three other contributors in threads where the woman is in agreement with 90% of the other people in the thread. I.e. they don't slam any of the others in the thread who are saying the same things as the sole woman in the thread. Yet she alone is slammed by these male churchians. Why is that? It's because she's a woman, and they are Beast-appeasers with no manhood. And notice none of the other male churchians ever come to her defense? Whether they're afraid to upset the general Beast environment or they are asleep to what is occurring it matters not. There is no chivalry in churchianity.
Regarding my second comment to this post.
It's a real question to wonder what will replace the drama of good and evil once the evil is purged and the Kingdom of God takes over completely.
Here's the comment:
The dynamic in the Kingdom of God to replace the current good and evil will probably be along the lines of a more vertical tension between levels of being, where the higher is not evil though the effect on the lower could be defined in such a way, one level being happy to be itself...until it becomes less happy being itself, but it requires some heat and friction to aspire to and get to the higher level. Little dramas of this heat and friction will play out in various ways (not just vertically but within groups on the same level even) keeping the Kingdom of God an interesting place...
From a Canadian liberal correspondent:
> I think Obarma has just about made the home run but
> they've really twisted this Joe the plumber thing
> around.
> Sharing the wealth exist now in most other countries in the
> form of
> graduated tax scales, Canada and Australia are good
> examples
> You dont want your country in the hands of 4 or 5 ultra
> rich
> corporatists and thats what will happen if you dont in some
> manner or
> other forcibly spread the wealth around. Isn't there
> something wrong when one
> family owns 50 toilets and another can only just feed
> themselves as
> is now the case in many cities throughout the US.
The cities you talk of are all controlled by Democrats and their 'spread the wealth' government philosophy.
Government doesn't create wealth, and it doesn't spread it around. It creates an environment where people have no incentive to create wealth hence depressing the economy in general and it keeps people - like those in Democrat-controlled inner cities - in bondage to government handouts, reinforcing every bad aspect of human nature.
America doesn't work the way Euros or anybody else in the world thinks it should work. America became great by unleashing the creativity, invention, and entrepreneurialism of individuals. Low taxes bring MORE into the treasury because the economy grows. (Unfortunately then liberals in Washington - Democrats and Republicans - just spend more.) When individual Americans decide what they do with their money it goes to better use than when the government makes the decisions. It is better for everybody. Americans create jobs not the government.
America has always been a free market economy. Free markets 'spread the wealth around' and does it with infinite more practical wisdom and usefulness than any government or bureaucrat could on even his best superman bureaucrat day.
The current problem with the economy is due to government intervention and social engineering, when they pronounced that banks *must* make sub-prime loans. That is not how a free market works. That is government screwing it up as government always screws things up.
Rich people don't put their money in their mattresses. They invest it. This is 'spreading the wealth.' What Obama is talking about is confiscating wealth and putting it to use for socialist government purposes which do nothing but keep people in dreary and sick and evil bondage to the government.
America is different for a reason. We have had to fight the forces of darkness from within and without from the beginning, and despite all that America has succeeded and been the light of the world. God bless America.
Don't let the churchians with their vain, man-centered abomination they call 'critical text bibles' lead you astray or put you off of the real faith. I'm going to begin to stop directing my comments directly at them (they only love making God's followers become righteously intemperate, it is part of the Beast's program to tempt).
Let the blind lead the blind, and the dead bury the dead.
IMPORTANT: Remember, the practical effect of a critical text bible is to put man's vanity, worldly pride, and rebellious self-will in control in being the 'determiner' of what God's Word is. This empowers the Old Man within you and keeps you in the bondage and darkness of the devil's kingdom. It's not only a matter of 'small differences' that corrupt the divinity of Christ, for instance (the little leaven that poisons the whole lump), it is how one stays man-centered when one follows the scholars (scribes) and then engages in the inevitable mocking of the God-preserved Word, mocking the mere notion of a God-preserved Word. It's all system of the Beast at work in the world and in your very being. See and value the Word of God as something that is above you, and not something that you or any scholars determine the existence of, standing above it, looking down on it, making pronouncements. Try to see how that is how the unregenerate automatically operate. They don't know any better. They've yet to humble themselves to the Word and the Spirit.
A professor at a Reformed seminary today made what is a very common statement among academic Reformed Christians:
"Much of the world sees the USA as a “Christian” nation. They couldn’t be more wrong."
This professor has lived in an era of world history that has seen fascist and communist and islamic tyranny bringing untold suffering and death and cold cruelty to humanity in just about every region of the world. The one light in the world has been the United States (and England), during all this reign of hell.
Why is that, Herr Professor?
I've seen these asinine - no, malignant - statements coming out of the mouths of these ungrateful ignoramuses calling themselves Reformed Christians for too long. These are followers of the Beast system, many of them default counter-Reformation Jesuits (in spirit if not in actual sodomic conspiracy).
America is a Christian nation to its core. In its founding, its development, and in its maturity. The world - the filthy, condemned devil - Satan and his filthy, condemned followers - hates the United States because it is a Christian nation.
Professor, it is ungrateful fools like you that make the host of Heaven sigh and wonder at the longsuffering of God. When the King returns I say good riddance to you and all man-fearing, ungrateful default Beast-followers like you.
"Yes! Here it is! My new ESV Study Bible!!! It's really BIG!!!! Now I have another study bible to keep me on the surface of the Word!!! Funny, all those diagrams and outlines never give me any real understanding of the Word of God!!! But I've got a NEW study Bible!!!!!! It's huge!!! And, scholars? like, prefer the translation and stuff. So...'cause it's like the best manuscripts and stuff. And it's HERE!!!!!!!! It's really big! I've already read a couple of paragraphs of it already. There it is now sitting in my bookshelf!!! When are they gonna come out with a new study Bible? I want a new one!!! New, new NEW!!!!"
It's hilarious. Reformed seminary Jesuits who hate God's preserved Word like they hate the Holy Spirit Himself are now forced to take the strategy of pretending to value the Geneva Bible, knowing it is not and never will be widely available, so as to have an escape route when pressed on their hatred of the preserved traditional text Word and to use it as an angle to continue to attack the Authorized Version (which is the crown translation in the same line as the Geneva).
These creeps who serve the Beast don't value God's preserved Word whether it is the Geneva or the King James. Look at them maneuver. They'll be doing it until the return of the King when they'll find all they can maneuver at that point is to vainly attempt to hide under a rock. Good riddance.
This online bookstore is associated with the Calvin500 site. Look at its page for the Geneva Bible:
"As its popularity and distribution increased, the Geneva Bible’s marginal notes incurred the wrath of the King of England. Specifically, the marginal note for Exodus 1:9 indicated that the Hebrew midwives were correct in disobeying the orders of the Egyptian King. King James railed against this interpretation, calling it “seditious.” The tyrant knew that if the people held him accountable to God’s Word, his days as a “Divine Right” king were numbered. Calvin and the Reformers were not about to change the clear meaning of Scripture to cater to the whims of the King or the Pope. The Geneva Bible began the unstoppable march to liberty in England, Scotland, and America."
1. The verse is Exodus 1:19 not 1:9 (Reformed academics don't actually read even their precious Romanist Critical Text bibles, they talk off 'papers' that are multi-generations away from the original source).
2. The "Egyptian King" was Pharaoh ('And the midwiues answered Pharaoh' [Geneva trans.), and King James, a Bible-believing Christian would hardly have identified his crown with an Egyptian Pharoah. This is not even effective mockery.
3. The Geneva notes simply stated, regarding the action of the midwives: "Their disobedience in this was lawful, but their deception is evil." To not follow an order that contradicts God's sixth commandment is lawful. This is not a comment or view that was radical in the world and beliefs of the devout English King.
4. The belief that a Bible should not be plastered with the words of man on every page is hardly a sentiment that goes against Reformation good sense. And the translation itself of the AV1611 is basically the same as the Geneva, something the writer of the paragraph above is attempting to give a false impression about.
5. "The tyrant knew that if the people held him accountable to God’s Word, his days as a “Divine Right” king were numbered." A Protestant King, a Bible-believing King, and hence a target of deep hatred to Romanists masquerading as Reformed Christians, just as the Romanists of King James' day hated his soul and started all the smearing of him which these fake Reformed Christians continue to mouth this very day.
6. "Calvin and the Reformers were not about to change the clear meaning of Scripture to cater to the whims of the King or the Pope." These Reformed academics don't know Calvin, don't care to know Calvin, and will get their reward as they face Christians such as Calvin and King James and the King and Judge Jesus Christ when the time comes. The sentence quoted here is pure Jesuit counter-reformation double-speak and filth.
7. "The Geneva Bible began the unstoppable march to liberty in England, Scotland, and America." Yes, and thank your bloody Romanist Queen ugly Mary for that. The devil and his followers do themselves in when they most think they are winning. And that Geneva Bible is the same Bible as the Authorized Version of 1611, no matter how often you filthy Jesuits calling yourselves Reformed Christian academic clerics shit on it. You're not worthy of the Geneva or the AV1611. You don't value either. You push the Romanist Critical Text filth and perversions. You don't fool any of God's own.
Look at this typically immature response to the rejection of clerics and their churches. The story is not that some Christians are attending shallow mega-churches or visit churches online; those usually aren't even real born-again Christians who actually read the Bible and believe it. They are just used as a convenient side issue to deflect the real issue which is Christian clerics - usually inane academics from inane Christian academic institutions - can't attract the average gathering found waiting on a street corner for the light to change.
This is because real Christians know what the faith is about, and it's not about 'family time' at inane worldly 'churches' (what did Jesus say about his family? I mean, really, how difficult is this if you've *actually* read the Bible, pilgrims?).
Real Christians have no patience for inane clericalism. These Protestant clerics are even now using the Roman Beast language of 'layman' and 'lay people' when referring to their 'sheep flocks' which they 'administer discipline to.'
Can you imagine a born again, Bible-believing, prophet, priest and king follower of the King Jesus Christ wasting time in that kind of environment? Guess what? We don't. And that is why your 'churches' are empty. God's remnant, never large in terms of numbers to begin with, don't waste our time in environments the devil is very happy to see in existence. We tend to occupy ground the devil very much is not pleased to see us occupying, even if it is merely the ground of our own soul.
And what is the first thing these wet intellectuals direct from seminary-world do when a real Christian crosses the threshold of their stink den 'church'? They mock the fact that the real Christian is carrying a God-preserved Bible (received traditional text and that's right, little devil-sucks, that would mean an AV1611). The fact that the real Christian is carrying a Bible to begin with causes the Beastian cleric to have a convulsion of wet intellectual vanity wondering why a mere "layman" would think he would know how to read a Bible (or even know what a real Bible is). It's at this point that a real Christian really has no choice other than to leave or beat the crap out of the cleric which would also have the virtue of giving the cleric his first experience of real life.
It is long past time to be charitable to these clerics. God gives a harsher judgment to those who affect to teach in His name and who push nothing but the system of the Beast.
Here is a good effort to bring together some themes that are mostly rare in Christian environments, but should be more known.
Shallowness regarding higher influences is a disease among the average church Christians. The Village of Morality protects itself by scorning any influences that might contribute to awakening an individual. Yet it's rare to awaken given any type of environment, positive or negative.
Once an individual begins to 'see' that influences reside in an ascending hierarchy and can begin to discern the higher from the lower and then doesn't become content to remain at one level of that hierarchy (a common human perverseness) and sees that to climb up that hierarchy he has to both engage influences that are just beyond his current level of understanding and just outside his current interests (and see that the higher the influence the more rare it is and the more effort of directed attention it requires to be engaged) then that individual has become 'dangerous.' And a Christian really should be dangerous.
Here's another good page from the same teacher.
One glaring thing that convicts academic churchian Christianity is this: when your 'hermeneutic' says that the 'hermeneutic' of the apostles was 'wrong' you need to look in the mirror and reassess, pilgrim.
First, try seeing the Bible as something that is above you.
First things first...
In an advertisement for new Reformed Christian books one part pronounces: "Scholars are saying..."
As long as Christian scholars continue to say read Westcott and Hort scholars are only saying shit.
And lowly Christians - prophets, priests, and kings - have to continue to grin as the churchian academics keep using the Beast language of "lay people" ... "layman" ... "laity"...
I know I'm being flaky with my book reading starts and stops lately. It usually happens that after finishing a big book I then immediately start 14 others all at the same time, full of momentum.
I've also already read everything. That is possible. It's possible when you see books as influences that reside in a hierarchy and you've engaged each level of that hierarchy on up to the summit. Most people never see the 'mountain' and hence take one thing and another at the same level (the Iliad and a comic book for instance, like some professors of literature do). This causes a person to both get stuck at one level or another - usually for life - and to not get what is of value from an influence to begin with, for various reasons I can't go into without writing a treatise.
I've also read in all categories*. History, imaginative literature, philosophy, sacred writings. Throw in art, music, science as they can be engaged through the written word.
Meditating through the AV1611 and doing the faith at the practical level is beyond summit.
(*OK, Euclid's Elements has escaped my laser-like attention...)