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Reading providence

I may be a bit slow, but it's really lately dawned on me in a more focused way what exactly we've all been experiencing these last 20 years or so. 

People often say, "We're watching a movie." I think this saying gets at real truth. They may say it for different reasons, but I think there's truth in it. 

All the perplexity we've had ("What the fuck is going on?" and "How do these little bitches have so much power to fuck up our world?" and similar thoughts) is because we're seeing providence play out while we are not 'in it' but awake and outside it. 

It's easy to observe that some people are awake to the craziness and most are asleep in it. The people asleep in it see everything as normal (and probably don't even see the evil in it all); whereas the people who are awake see the craziness as abnormal and weird and become resentful that things can be so turned upside down. We feel like we're continually being mocked and laughed at by evil and the evil people who are joyously carrying it out. Our chains are continuously being yanked, by people we consider to be worthless trolls at best. 

The Bible describes this. A people will come in and use what you built. That feeling of violation. Violated by low IQ types at that. 

So, this is God's providence playing out, yet because we are awake it all seems insane. If we were asleep it would be everyday life, with us being numb to all the most dire and evil aspects of it. 

A good example is WWII. Most everybody in that day was asleep to everything, thus they were fully 'in it' and pulled by the flow of it. Looking back, those of us now awake to things, we even question the circumstances and general take on WWII. We see its fakeness. How, like most all wars, it was orchestrated. How little bitches could have power to do such a thing. 

So we have to realize we're reading providence now. We're awake. So less freaking out about it all is what is necessary. I use to think, if I don't freak out about it it seems like I'm acquiescing to it. Acquiescing to Satan and his kingdom. No, it's OK now to just observe and read providence. In our personal lives to be fully Christian, even warriors, but when observing the larger picture of providence not to freak out about it anymore. 


Great Systematic Theologies (Loosely Defined, and Updated)

1. Institutes of the Christian Religion - Calvin

2. Decades - Bullinger

3. Comm. on the Heidelberg Catechism - Ursinus

4. Body of Practical Divinity - Watson

5. Institutes of Elenctic Theology - Turretin

6. Human Nature in its Fourfold State - Boston

7. Christian's Reasonable Service - W. à Brakel

8. Reformed Dogmatics - Vos

9. Systematic Theology - Berkhof

10. Brief Compend of Bible Truth - Alexander

11. Reformed Systematic Theology - Beeke/Smalley

12. Systematic Theology - Grudem

13. Reformed Dogmatics - Bavinck

14. Body of Divinity - Boston

15. Christian Theology - Pictet

16. New Systematic Theology - Reymond

17. Systematic Theology - John Brown

18. Marrow of Sacred Divinity - Ames 

19. Works - Spurgeon

20. Marrow of Modern Divinity - Fisher

21. Outlines of Theology - Hodge

22. Systematic Theology - Charles Hodge

23. Systematic Theology - Strong

24. Systematic Theology - Dabney

25. Dogmatic Theology - Shedd

26. Theoretical-Practical Theology - van Mastricht

27. Manual of Theology - Dagg

28. Abstract of Systematic Theology - Boyce

29. Systematic Theology - Frame

30. Systematic Theology - Letham

31. Christian Theology - Erickson

32. Christian Faith - Horton

33. Puritan Theology - Beeke/Jones

34. Wonderful Works of God - Bavinck

35. Great Doctrines of the Bible - Lloyd-Jones

36. Economy of the Covenants - Witsius

37. Sac. Diss. on the Apostles' Creed - Witsius

38. Lord's Prayer - Witsius

39. Foundations of the Christian Faith - Boice 

40. Christian's Only Comfort - Vandergroe

41. Concise Theology - Packer

42. Works - Bunyan

43. Dict. of Latin & Greek Theological Terms - Muller

44. The Reformed Faith - Shaw

45. Commentary on the Larger Catechism - Ridgley

46. Truths We Confess - Sproul

47. Works - B. B. Warfield 

48. Works - John Owen

49. Existence and Attributes of God - Charnock

50. Works - A. W. Pink


50 Great Systematic Theologies

1. Institutes of the Christian Religion - Calvin

2. Decades - Bullinger

3. Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism - Ursinus

4. Body of Practical Divinity - Watson

5. Institutes of Elenctic Theology - Turretin

6. Human Nature in its Fourfold State - Boston

7. Christian's Reasonable Service - Wilhelmus à Brakel

8. Reformed Dogmatics - Vos

9. Systematic Theology - Berkhof

10. Brief Compend of Bible Truth - Alexander

11. Reformed Systematic Theology - Beeke/Smalley

12. Systematic Theology - Grudem

13. Reformed Dogmatics - Bavinck

14. Body of Divinity - Boston

15. Christian Theology - Pictet

16. New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith- Reymond

17. Systematic Theology - John Brown

18. Marrow of Sacred Divinity - Ames 

19. Classic Christianity - Oden

20. Marrow of Modern Divinity - Fisher

21. Outlines of Theology - A. A. Hodge

22. Systematic Theology - Charles Hodge

23. Systematic Theology - Strong

24. Systematic Theology - Dabney

25. Dogmatic Theology - Shedd

26. Theoretical-Practical Theology - van Mastricht

27. Manual of Theology - Dagg

28. Abstract of Systematic Theology - Boyce

29. Systematic Theology - Frame

30. Systematic Theology - Letham

31. Christian Theology - Erickson

32. Christian Faith - Horton

33. Puritan Theology - Beeke/Jones

34. Wonderful Works of God - Bavinck

35. Great Doctrines of the Bible - Lloyd-Jones

36. Economy of the Covenants - Witsius

37. Sacred Dissertations on the Apostles' Creed - Witsius

38. Lord's Prayer - Witsius

39. Truth's Victory Over Error - Dickson

40. Christian's Only Comfort - Vandergroe

41. Concise Theology - Packer

42. Works - Bunyan

43. What Presbyterians Believe - Clark

44. The Reformed Faith - Shaw

45. Essential Truths of the Christian Faith - Sproul

46. Truths We Confess - Sproul

47. Works - B. B. Warfield 

48. Substance of the Christian Religion - Ames

49. Existence and Attributes of God - Charnock

50. Works - A. W. Pink


The True Worldview and How to Apply It

The True Worldview and How to Act Within It

The Book of Revelation gives a true Christian the true worldview to see the external world. Romans gives us the worldview of our inner lives. 

Once you have this unique deep knowledge you then want to be able to apply it to something. Prayer is how you do this. 

The Book of Revelation gives you language for your prayers. 

I've been praying for God to begin the final defeat and destruction of the forces of darkness that are so active today. 

For all the political related evil you use the Beast from the Sea as a term that is the sum of all that evil. Marxism, corruption, gangsterism at all levels including the global level. Treason. Money laundering. Use of medicine to destroy lives and control populations. Destruction of nations from within and without. All that is the Beast from the Sea.

For all the false religions and atheism and false worldviews, and all idol worship, and infiltration of churches by the devil's soldiers and dupes you use the term the Beast from the Land.

For all the degeneracy and hedonism, and ritual child harm and blood drinking and cannibalism, and drugs, and crossdressing, and general filth you sum that up in the Harlot of Babylon. 

God wants us to pray. He doesn't need it to act, but it's a part of the action. "Father in heaven I ask that you defeat and destroy the Beast from the Sea. I ask that you mobilize your angelic host, your warrior angels, to fight and destroy the forces of darkness that seem to have free reign in this world. I ask that you begin this final war. In Texas, over Washington, DC, in other world capitals, and everywhere there is darkness and evil. I ask this in the name of your Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit, amen."

Get into higher states to make these prayers. However you know how to do that. 

Think of yourself as one of the 144,000 with Christ on Mt. Sion, the very army of Christ. You haven't gone over to the Harlot, you have kept yourself pure from idols, your King is Jesus, not Satan, and your kingdom is the Kingdom of God. 

We have valuable, rare knowledge. It's like having knowledge of sacred architecture. We want to apply it. We want to build a cathedral, yet we are frustrated in not having that before us to actually do; so what we are to do is to engage the spiritual battle through prayer. Angels fight in the spiritual realm. We pray to God to direct His angels in the fight.

If you think this is embarrassing or crazy you're just not there yet. We're currently burning in a cauldron of evil, feeling impotent to do anything. Recall all Jesus said about prayer. The vastness of its power. The reach of its power. That is what we are to do, and we use the words of the Book of Revelation to inform us, to see the battlefield clearly and concisely, and to form our true Christian worldview that transcends and overrides all other worldviews.


Fake but real history, or, the empty theater of the Kingdom of Satan

Part of objective knowledge is seeing history as both the empty theater of the Kingdom of Satan and also God's Providence playing out. Both strands are real, with God's Providence riding above it all, but this is the Kingdom of Satan we are living in. God's Providence can be said to be two strands in that one is the empty theater of Satan's Kingdom but also life that is real that is being lived in and around the Satanic strand. One way to see the fakeness and emptiness of the Satanic theater is to see how shallow journalists take it seriously and obsess over the individual players (3 vol. biography of Roosevelt, endless narrative making with documentaries, never pointing out Roosevelt was central in the Satanic play; same with all the numerous other central actors). WWII is the best case study because it is held in more awe as a real thing than other wars. 

This thought was triggered by simply hearing the first measures of Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei for chorus and remembering it was played at Roosevelt's funeral. Ah, the pathos, the history, the lives, the sufferings, the triumphs, the shared life of it all! The imprisoned, tortured, genocided humanity, oh, don't mention that too much, unless you are talking about Nazis, the designated bad guys in the play. 

This is seeing providence, which needs objective knowledge. The question why is the Satanic Kingdom so active and central? I.e. why in God's Providence does He want it so? Because we are living in the fall of mankind, and we need to experience this evil and emptiness? Because it calls out God's elect? Because it provides trial to our faith? All of the above? 

But it is all the above I've written that makes some conclude we are watching a movie. People sense it. Some do. The awakening ones do.


World War III is now

Kind of stupid to acknowledge it now, but we've been living in the midst of World War III. 

It started officially on 9/11/2001, but the seeds were sown earlier. 

The English speaking countries and western Europe are the main targets, obviously. They are the civilizational and Christian and white center of gravity. Satan's targets of hate. 

In the United States the nation is in ruin. Cities in ruin. Culture in ruin. The population overrun by third world garbage, and just non-white humanity. 
Bio weapons like fentanyl and fake vaccines killing hundreds of thousands of youth, mostly white. American workers fired from major corporations and replaced by foreign workers on specialty visas. 

Whole sectors of industry either destroyed or sold off to the world. 

Government and media become criminal traitors across the board. Nowhere you look looks like America. 

I could go on and on. The Great Reset has happened already. 

So when Satan gets dominion of the entire world then God inaugurates divine vengeance. 

I hate evil. I pray God will kill evil and put evil in hell for eternity. 


All conspiracy theory simplified

Here is the grand conspiracy theory simplified: you can talk about Jesuits, Freemasons, Jews, Illuminati, whatever; it is all the Kingdom of Satan. 

The Kingdom of Satan wants/needs two things: human suffering, and human sacrifice. Preferably to the degree of genocide. Why? This is what feeds the Kingdom of Satan.

So toss the ideology aside. Communism, fascism, Nazi-ism, Islamism, whatever. It doesn't matter. It's the Kingdom of Satan wearing different hats, different uniforms. 

The players are fallen angels and demons. The demons possess individual humans and family lines. They are the puppet masters. The string pullers. Anybody else is a useful idiot. A mere puppet. 

They will settle for abortion, if that's all they can get; but they prefer police state hellscapes and genocide of men, women, and children. They will play out their evil as long as it's practical to do so, then they'll start up a new round of it. 

So that's it. The grand conspiracy simplified. The Kingdom of Satan looking for food for its sustenance - human suffering and human sacrifice. All the other elements support that. The diverting and stealing of wealth. The use of drugs and children to control the operation. The various destruction of society and means of survival to create crisis and chaos. The indoctrination of new generations in classrooms, and the control of all media and information to destroy order and tradition and so on. Those are all secondary to the ultimate goal which always has an end goal in genocide. 

The Kingdom of Satan is real. 


Satanic onslaught

I use to think all this rush of evil we're witnessing is really just the same old yet magnified and enhanced by various new media technology. I'm now coming off that opinion. Truth is being attacked in every sphere. It's now an onslaught. 

When the Satanic handlers and their army of dupes started attacking Calvinism the same way they've attacked, for instance, marriage, you know their list is exhaustive. 

God's remnant is being delineated. Identified and separated out. 

We can only stay to the old paths. Keep our armor of God clean and in good working order. 

Is this giving in to a rather mammoth Marxist style demoralization operation? Maybe a little, but what else can be done? Elections are rigged by these Satanists. It seems only God's return can deal with these degenerate, criminal, lunatic demons. 


Interesting passage from John Flavel regarding Ezekiel 1

Read Ezekiel 1 about the strange appearance of God in the sky on a throne sort of chariot and the various motions of the wheels and so on. Now here's Flavel on that:

"That Jesus Christ has a providential influence upon all the affairs of this world is evident, both from scripture assertions, and rational observations, made upon the acting of things here below.

The first chapter of Ezekiel contains an admirable scheme or draught of providence. There you see how all the wheels, That is, the motions and revolutions here on earth, are guided by the spirit that is in them. And, ver. 26. it is all run up into the supreme cause; there you find one like the Son of man, which is Jesus Christ, sitting upon the throne, and giving forth orders from thence for the government of all: and if it were not so, how is it that there are such strong combinations, and predispositions of persons and things to such ends and issues, without any communications of councils, or holding of intelligence with one another? As in Israel's deliverance out of Egypt, and innumerable more instances have appeared. Certainly, if ten men, from several places, should all meet at one place, and about one business, without any fore-appointment among themselves, it would argue their motions were secretly over-ruled by some invisible agent. How is it that such marvelous effects are produced in the world by causes that carry no proportion to them? Amos 5:9 and 1 Cor. 1:27 and as often, the most apt and likely means are rendered wholly ineffectual? Psalm. 33:16. In a word, if Christ has no such providential influx, how are his people in all ages preserved in the midst of so many millions of potent and malicious enemies, among whom they live as sheep in the midst of wolves? Luke 10:3. How is it that the bush burns, and yet is not consumed Exod. 3:2."

Christ and His Threefold Office - John Flavel, Sermon 17


Walking circles in the grass, looking like Jesus in the desert

When learning biblical doctrine you eventually see the terminal basics, ideally. It is here where most academic theologians get bored with the basics and either want to be originial or just veer left.

The other option is once you're able to see and understand and accept the basics you then become experiential with the basics. You drill down into the basics. This gets you into territory where the establishment, academic theologians will say, "Nutty, wacky!" 

When Jesus says Be Awake and you drill into that you can hear the chorus of the establishment academics "Nutty, nutty, nutty...wacky, wacky, wacky..." This is where you have to remember what God said: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Because when you fear the Lord you don't fear the world. 

When Jesus says Love thy Enemy, the academics can only hear a statement in the category of moralizing and then they don't think about it anymore. Yet if you drill down into it to know it experientially you see there is a world of practice there. 

In fact you find that Be Awake and Love thy Enemy are the principle practices of the faith. Of regenerate man. 

The establishment academic types will then counter that the principle practices of the faith are to go to a building (with the appropriate letters in front of it), listen to a sermon (from a properly seminary educated eunuch), drink some grape juice, then go get some ice cream. 

The guy with the King James Bible walking circles in the grass looking like Jesus in the desert should be avoided at all cost. He is a worldview destroyer. He doesn't just make you angry, he is dangerous. When he tried to enter the church police showed up and said to the elders: "Hey, you know that guy, he's never actually committed any crimes - that we know of - but we've been keeping an eye on him with our elite pre-crime unit. We've tried to tempt him with fake little kids, underage high-school girls, older disabled women, even a goat dressed like a prostitute, but he's never bit. But that doesn't mean it isn't his nature to bite. But like we said, he's never actually committed a crime, so we don't really know what to tempt him with, but we're not going to give up." 

Then one of the elders speaks up: "We're going to call him Stigma. He'll never get in our doors. Maybe you can arrest him now anyway? Do you need some false witness?"

Yeah, so be careful drilling down into the basics in an experiential manner. You'll get fake five-year-old children dressed as street walkers passing you by on the sidewalk at 3:00 a.m. 



1. Read and meditate upon the Bible as it is food for your spiritual body.

2. Learn hard truth biblical doctrine as it is the armor of God.

3. Develop the Christian worldview as it is how you see and navigate reality in truth.

4. Practice Conscious Labor and Intentional Suffering (Be Awake and Love your Enemy) as that is how you strengthen in covenant and how you become useful to God on the spiritual battlefield.

5. Engage in prayer (communing with God and His will) as it is power.

6. Put gratitude over resentment for everything all the time as that is how you attain to the joy of God.

7. Fear God alone as this is how you don't fear the world. Fear God alone, expect war, and fight like a king.


As for "New Calvinism"...

Calvinism doesn't have to be new. Nothing real needs to be new. You need real armor. Real armor doesn't change. The spiritual battlefield doesn't change. Doctrine is armor of God. 

Calvinism back in the 16th century wasn't new. It was apostolic. It went back to the fount. 

You start reading a New Calvinist like Kuyper, for instance, and you say, "OK...uhm, hold on here..." They start sounding a little weak. A little shallow. I.e. not old path. Not sound armor. 

You want sound armor. The spiritual battlefield doesn't change. Human nature (biblical anthropology) doesn't change. Historical events and patterns don't change. 

The thing about looking to the past is you can discern what is true and real and good. Think of music. If you lived during the '50s and '60s and '70s, in real time, you would have been marinated in bad music. Most of what was on the radio was bad music. Often really bad music. Yet when you look back from a future vantage point you can see in all that muck the really good music. You can't do that in the present and the future. You're stuck in the noise and missing the signal. 

I'm into classical music myself, but you should know what I mean. Satan wants you continually in the future. He knows you can discern truth and what's real looking to the past. The old paths. 

So when you say, "We must fit Calvinism to be relevant to the present and the future..." you don't even know what the present let alone the future is or, quote, needs. (It needs the same things it needed 500 years ago, by the way.)

It's Marxist to stick a "new" or "neo" on something. "We need a revolution!" Yeah, everything needs to be Year Zero. 

You need real armor. Real armor doesn't change. The spiritual battlefield doesn't change. 


Seeing the real reality

It's become apparent that Satan and his fallen angels and his reprobated fallen humans (not just dupes but special class evil humanity) have had a totalitarian control on this world since I guess forever, in terms of written history. 

Accent on total. Totalitarian. Total. 

We're seeing it now in plain view. In the past it was much easier to hide.

Probably we've all been nicked by this evil, in one way or another, and most don't know it. With some of us it becomes obvious. We're damaged by infant vaccines. We're molested. We're made shallow or deranged by what we are fed on screens or by sound. We're indoctrinated into despair in public schools, being told doom is on the horizon in numerous ways. We get drawn into Satanic 'patriot' wars. Our food supply is incrementally defiled. Actual Orwellian coercion appears in all areas of life. 

Christianity becomes the creep show you see on television. 

All intentional. Today, nothing appearing on a screen is not controlled by evil.

Note: to understand this you have to realize everything you witness or experience is half physical, half spiritual phenomena. There are supernatural forces involved, and it manifests in the physical realm. For instance, some people are so hollow they channel Satan’s spirit purely. Humans in general are not smart enough or capable enough to organize and maintain over generations such evil phenomena. 

We got born into the Kingdom of Satan and have been living in the Kingdom of Satan, thus...no surprise it's all been a Satanic dumpster fire from a to z.

Though because nostalgia filters out the bad or uncomfortable, and Stockholm Syndrome controls present (and probably future) impressions - we think all along we're in a pretty OK place.

Here, though, is something this Christian sees in it all: when God calls one of His own, there is nothing all the nefarious forces of the Kingdom of Satan can do about it. And God reaches down into the most toxic and tangled brew of evil to connect with one of His own. That line of connection is sure, no matter who, or where, or how much enmeshed that person is. 


Commentaries on the Book of Revelation

Commentaries on the Book of Revelation are almost thoroughly worthless. 

It's because the Book of Revelation communicates to higher areas of our being, and is meant to. 

So a scholar who picks through it verse by verse who is of the level of being of the average seminary graduate is only going to puzzle picture it along the lines of what others have done, with usually a large dose of concern trolling. 

There is a tradition that there are at least five levels of man. The first three (Man #1, 2, and 3) are the same level only differentiated by a dominant development in either the intellectual, emotional, or physical.

Man #4 is higher because he has a balanced development regarding intellectual, emotional, and physical; and implied in that is he has, as a result, something akin to regeneration and faith. Those are theological words though, and not exactly accurate for what is being described, because regeneration and faith are not tied to such development. They are from God alone, but with that said a Man #4 is a bit more awake, let us say.

Man #5 is a different animal, so to speak. He's like what a Grail knight is to a worldly knight. He's fused into a higher level.

So the tradition is the synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke correspond to Man at the level of #1, 2, 3. Whereas the Gospel of John corresponds to Man #4. Then the Book of Revelation corresponds to Man #5. 

Man #5 has access to higher emotional and intellectual capacities to see the Book of Revelation. Remember, these higher capacities have nothing to do with being intelligent or having a high I. Q. as those things are seen at the Man #1, 2, 3 or even #4 level. They are new capacities, even if previously existing but dormant. 

So with commentaries on the Book of Revelation we are reading thoughts of the level of mostly Men #1, 2, and 3; when the Book of Revelation is at the level of Man #5.

That doesn't mean it is useless to read it if we are not at the level of Man #5. The Bible encourages everybody to read the Book of Revelation and states we will be blessed by reading it. 

Yet we shouldn't bring it down to the understanding and perception that is beneath that Man #5 level, which is what available commentaries do. We should read it like a child listening to their father, taking in the higher, visual language purely. Not trying to pin everything down to satisfy lower capacity understanding. There is worth in looking up to a summit even though you can't yet be there. 

John Calvin decided against writing a commentary on the Book of Revelation probably for reasons having something to do with what is written above. 

There's a similar ascent of books in the Old Testament: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Song of Solomon representing similar difficulty in commentary as the Book of Revelation. 

I believe whatever your level you will get what you need to have with a childlike (not simplistic) reading of the Book of Revelation. I believe the important thing is to read it though. I.e. take it in. Letting it speak to you without you pulling it down to your level.



You can get to and attain great things with books, but most people just dally with books rather than conquer them. Most people are desultory with books rather than giving dedicated effort to conquer and own the book as part of their being.

You have to read books like you're climbing a mountain. The summit is your goal. 

The higher up the mountain the more rare the book or genre, and the greater the power of the influence. There are many genre novels; there are few epic poems. The higher up the mountain the more rare the influence, and the more effort needed to engage the influence. This is how you know you're on higher ground. Works of classical literature, for instance, are rare, and for the most part they are hard to engage. 

The goal is to get parts in relation to the whole understanding of all and everything. No less is the goal for a prophet, priest, and king. Will it make you strange to other people not climbing the mountain? Yes. We're supposed to emulate Jesus, though. That will make us strange too. 

You start out catch as catch can. Then you find categories. Then you make lists. You move towards what you don't have. You go general to specific. You don't keep going over old ground. You keep climbing with understanding increasing. If you want to use academics and intellectuals as a foil or a contrast, this puts you way above academics and intellectuals. The summit, and beyond summit, is the word of God and a deep understanding of the practice of the faith.


Shitting on everything from the seminary and pulpit

Marxist Critical Theory at base is just constant shitting on things - the good, the beautiful, the true, and anything great or excellent or practically useful that Marxists could never build or create or invent or discover or maintain or grow - and really nothing more than that. 

Lately an obvious thing has occurred to me. When you listen to establishment Christian leaders and educators what you inevitably hear is constant criticizing of Christians. Constant shitting on Christians. An unending drone of negativity and fault finding. As if all Christians are ignorant or illiterate or don't read the Bible right, or don't understand doctrine, all the while being an embarrassment to the rest of the world (defined as good, smart, holy non-white Christians and idolators). 

Where does this come from? It comes from the seminaries that have been marinated in cultural Marxism since WW2. Seminary students go into these institutions naive and ignorant (apparently thinking you need an institution of so-called higher learning before you can read a book), get unconsciously and thoroughly indoctrinated while there, then stay that way after leaving; their idiot vanity and pride and sense of special insider status taking rein the rest of their zombie lives. 

Listen to their unique drone of constant shitting on everything next time you hear them. And it's all talk, too, which Marxists love their victims to engage in. "Keep talking, dumbass (useful idiot), while we thoroughly destroy you from within." 

God has the last word on them all.



There's no gospel in Islam, there's only law; and the law kills.


Interesting distinction on God and evil

In à Brakel's Christian's Reasonable Service he makes an interesting distinction that I'd not come across before. Maybe it's common (I've not read everything). Here it is.

God is often hyper protected by Reformed theologians from any connection to evil. Even though the Bible says God created evil and so on. 

The distinction is:

The evil of punishment


The evil of sin.

God does not sin. He does punish, though. And that often involves killing, for instance.

God punished Assyrians, for instance, by killing them. Sodom and Gomorrah before that. Even his chosen people Israel were killed in the tens of thousands by plague. At the receiving end this is seen as an evil. From God's end it is righteous and holy.

God never commits the evil of sin, though. 


à Brakel vs. Heiser

This passage from Wilhelmus à Brakel's Christian's Reasonable Service goes directly against Michael Heiser's teaching on angels:

"In Greek Angelos is used two or three times to denote a messenger; otherwise it is always in reference to incorporeal personal entities which are denominated as "angels." This name is not in any way related to their mission. It is a name which belongs as uniquely to these creatures as the name "man" belongs to the human race. Thus, this name does not refer to an office, but signifies spiritual, personal entities in contrast to human beings."


They don't teach this in seminaries or from pulpits

The Duty of the Christian to Imitate Christ in His Kingship 

Having considered how we must make use of the Lord Jesus as King, we will now proceed with the second point. In a fitting manner we must take note of Christ in order that we, being partakers of His anointing, may imitate Him, since He has deemed us worthy to be called Christians after His name. 

The Lord Jesus, by means of His merits, has made His elect kings, and honors them with this title. "And hath made us kings" —Vol. 1, Page 572— (Rev 1:6); "And hast made us unto our God kings ... and we shall reign on the earth" (Rev 5:10); "But ye are ... a royal priesthood ..." (1 Pet 2:9). They are kings, for they have a royal heart, are in a royal state, enjoy royal dignity, have royal goods, and exercise royal dominion. All of this they possess in principle, and it is their duty to earnestly conduct and manifest themselves as such. 

First, they have a royal heart. There was an excellent spirit in Daniel (Dan 5:12). They have a courageous heart, and therefore they are compared to "a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots" (Song 1:9). They are called "his goodly horse in the battle" (Zech 10:3). They have a prince-like and free spirit (Ps 51:12). They have a wise heart, for the Son of God "hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true" (1 John 5:20); "I speak as to wise men" (1 Cor 10:15). They also have a strong heart. "His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord" (Ps 112:7). 

They consider earthly possessions to be insignificant, yes, as dung (Phil 3:7-8), and have great and lofty things in view. "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen" (2 Cor 4:18). Thus, they persevere in all circumstances without fear. "Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear" (Ps 27:3). Let hell and the entire earth freely conspire—the least of the subjects of this King will neither yield nor subject themselves to them. Rather, in all things they will be more than conquerors, and will always be of good courage (2 Cor 5:6, 8). Manifest yourself as such, Christians! 

Secondly, they, as kings, are in a state of freedom. They are not subject to anyone as far as the state of their soul is concerned, except to the King of kings. They are "of the freewoman" (Gal 4:23), "as free ..." (1 Pet 2:16), and the Lord's freeman (1 Cor 7:23). They have the Spirit, and "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (2 Cor 3:17). They "have been called unto liberty" (Gal 5:13); the Son has made them free (John 8:36), and the truth has made them free (John 8:32). They have thus been placed "into the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Rom 8:21). Therefore, Christians, "stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free" (Gal 5:1), "be ye not the servants of men" (1 Cor 7:23), and be not "brought under the power of any" (1 Cor 6:12). I am not suggesting at all that one ought not to subject himself to the rule of those who have been placed over us in the domestic, civil, and other spheres. Even a pagan has said that true freedom is to be obedient to governments and laws. Every soul ought to be subject to the higher powers, since they are ordained of God (Rom 13:1). They are, however, not to be servants of men. They are not to allow anyone —Vol. 1, Page 573— to control them by either favor or disfavor, or out of love or fear for them, and thus be drawn away from obedience to our sovereign King. They are to refrain from activity or neglect of that which in any degree would be contrary to the conscience, robbing them of their peace and hindering them in their walk with God, and thus be detrimental to their inner freedom. The Christian's objective is not to be subject in a slavish manner, but only because he has the Lord in view and serves Him in this manner, that is, in doctrine and life. Rather, his objective is above all to live in and with God in the enjoyment of peace and freedom. 

Thirdly, they also have royal glory. When examining believers closely, one will detect the radiance of the image of God, which they may possess in principle and wherein majesty and glory are displayed (1 Chron 29:25). God says of His people, "And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through My comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God" (Ezek 16:14). Peter says of them, "The Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you" (1 Pet 4:14). They are recognizable due to this glory within them; the godly honor them and delight in them. "But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all My delight" (Ps 16:3). 

They are also known and revered by the unconverted due to the excellency within them. "And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed" (Isa 61:9). By their behavior the council knew that Peter and John "had been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13). The godly fill the unconverted with awe, for it is remarkable what is recorded in Acts 5:13, "And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them." Consider also Mark 6:20 "For Herod feared John, knowing that He was a just man and an holy, and observed him." An ungodly master has more respect for his godly maid than for ten prominent but unconverted people. One might think, "Why are they then despised in the eyes of the world, and why does the world persecute them?" My answer is: the world will first resist and suppress the esteem and respect they have for the godly, and then proceed to oppose them. Generally, however, the worldly have not observed the godly in close proximity, and have entertained erroneous prejudices towards them. This moves them to despise and persecute them. Children of God, if there is such royal glory in you, manifest this glory by an increase in all holiness, humility, meekness, wisdom, and dignity. Keep from soiling this glory by your sins, a seeking of self, or by hypocrisy; for this will promote the honor of King Jesus. —Vol. 1, Page 574— 

Fourthly, the godly have royal benefits. All that is in the world is rightfully theirs. "For all things are yours, whether ... the world ..." (1 Cor 3:21-22). The least thing they possess is better than a thousand worlds. "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Rom 14:17). Therefore, leave the earth to the men of this world who choose earthly things as their portion, and who as swine despise the unknown pearls of the kingdom. You, however, delight and rejoice in these spiritual benefits, knowing that you are "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Rom 8:17). 

Fifthly, as spiritual kings, God's children also have royal territory and dominion. They are exalted high above the world and have conquered it. "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world" (1 John 5:4). They triumph over the devil and his kingdom. "Ye have overcome the wicked one" (1 John 2:13). "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony" (Rev 12:11). They rule their spirit (Prov 16:32), sin has no dominion over them (Rom 6:14), "and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts" (Gal 5:24). It is true that they still must do battle, but this does not remove the dominion afforded them. A king who is at war still rules. However, the enemies will not be victorious; these kings will most certainly prevail. Therefore, children of God, as you possess all these things in principle (the one more and the other less), stir up this principle, use it with royal magnanimity, freedom, glory, and dominion, and manifest all this to the honor of the Lord Jesus, and as an ornament to the church. - Wilhelmus à Brakel, The Christian's Reasonable Service 


Another Satanic inversion

Predators are victims; victims are predators.

Muslims stone the victim, for instance. Girl gets raped, they stone the girl. The victim. This happens in different ways in all cultures and religions. A victim of pedophilia will always carry a mark, a stigma, as if they were - or are - the predator. It's a Satanic inversion. 


How to see the world today

This is how to see the world today: all this evil and insanity that is now manifest *has always existed.* It's always been this evil and insane. This world is fallen. Reprobates are numerous enough to make the whole scene evil and insane. What has heretofore hid in the darkness is acting out now in the light. They've always been here. 

What we're seeing and awakening to is the biblical fact that man is evil and this world is influenced by evil. Supernatural and physical evil. 

Obviously the Satanic bee hive has been shaken. Maybe they know instinctively their time is now very short. 

If we look closely at our own lives in America, or some similar place that seemed to have escaped the worst or more blatant of the evil and insanity, we might see it was there all along. Many of us have been molested. Many have been tempted with drugs. Many have been fed unending diets of low, evil influences from the culture. Many have grown up in school systems that seemed to want to terrorize children with lies of impending doom. Many have suffered from vaccines and bizarrely manufactured food products. A thousand and one acts of evil have been hounding us unaware. 

What's happening now seems different, but it really isn't. Just more blatant and in the open. 

We see the enemy in all his hellish, ghoulish, criminal, filthy, asinine glory. 

We await God's final judgement on all this evil show. 

We apparently can't seem to make it go away by ourselves. 


Important note on hell

This is for the idiots out there.

Hell is two things. When you're in hell, for eternity, you're 1. imprisoned.....but you're also 2. constrained. The latter is the really special hellish part that people don't think of.

Being imprisoned in hell means you're in a deep subterranean prison, never seeing the sun or anything good, beautiful, or true. No joy, no grace, no glory. Hell. Only hell. You are also, though, constrained. 

Think of a person in a deep underground dungeon. He's not just in the confinement of the dungeon, but he's also chained to the wall; so he can't even move about in the space of the dungeon. 

You think that in hell you're going to be dancing with Mick Jagger and having a good time with all the cool people in hell. No, you'll be there with them, but you'll all be constrained by chains or rock or cement beds or any number of claustrophobic endless nightmares. You're in hell. It's really bad. 

Hell was created for bad people. Some of you think you don't sin, but unbelief itself is a hardcore sin. Because you know the truth. God has put it in your heart. 

Discuss in your individual church groups and online woke forums.

There has appeared a new Satanic inversion

Free speech is censorship; censorship is free speech

The new Satanic inversion. 

This is actually coming from the tech fascists. They are saying that censorship secures free speech. Or some such demonic,  low brow logic. 

Certainly the Marxists in the deep state, so-called mainstream, media as-well-as their handlers in government have a hand in this new inversion.


Explanatory value of Genesis 6

Genesis 6 explains so much. 

Hand-wringing, world-fearing, squeaky theologians and pastors ignore it or explain it away, but they can't get rid of it. 

Gensis 6 explains the different races. It explains evil. It explains the unforgivable sin. 

Fallen angels,  in the same manner they could take on human bodies and eat food, took human women, daughters of Eve, for wives and created hybrid offspring. There's an old saying: white women will fuck anything. Eve fucked a snake (Satan); her daughters fucked fallen angels; white women today are fucking dogs and horses on the internet. Even today, after all these generations, when we see a beautiful white woman with a black man it looks and feels like abomination. (Black people see and feel and know this too.) 

Just like in Greek myth the first hybrid creatures were monstrous. Giants. Then those hybrid lines weaken (meaning the human blood/DNA outweighs the fallen angel blood/DNA) and stable hybrid races came into being. Sub-Saharan African and far east Asian. Other hybrid races existed but died out.

By the way, it goes without saying, God's original creation of humanity was white. Ruddy complected. Able to blush. Everybody knows this. Some deny it to troll white people, but everybody knows this. Everybody sees the original.  The ideal. If not for God's obvious protection there would be no white people left in this world. 

It should be stated that the Bible says anyone, from any race, can have salvation. 

As for evil. Eve fucked Satan and gave birth to Cain. Cain took after his father, Satan, and murdered and lied. God marked him. This is probably the genesis of all hybrid humans taking on different skin color and other non-white physical features. To mark them as such. So very active evil enters the scene. Original sin makes evil potential in everybody, but crazy ass active evil manifests easier through the hybrid races. In historical cases where pure white people have engaged in crazy ass evil it seems to be in reaction to behavior of the hybrid lines. 

As for the unforgivable sin, which puzzles everybody, it seems to refer to when a person or any created being leaves its intended realm and mixes with another realm. Fallen angels who did this were hit hard and condemned forever, no ifs, ands, or buts. Humans who mix animals with humans are probably committing the unforgivable sin. Whether miscegenation falls into this category is probably a question of motive and intent. It's dangerous territory though regarding the unforgivable sin. 

Overall, Satan’s motive for defiling the human bloodlines was to interupt the royal bloodline between Adam and Jesus.  He attempted it before and after the flood. He failed. He succeeded, though, in creating division and endless violence and confusion and strife. 


A Basic, Unrecognized Christian Paradigm

This will be hard to articulate. I'll only vaguely get at it. 

To be a true Christian is to have a different level of being than the general run of humanity; and that has nothing to do with social hierarchy. A true Christian could be a ragged street sweeper and have this different level of being. I don't think he could be illiterate though. In fact, I don't think he could be without a deep education in higher influences, though not necessarily through establishment sources. Actually most definitely not through establishment sources. It's possible also to focus on just a handful of old path sources. I could envision that as being a small wooden shelf of a well-worn Bible, Human Nature in its Fourfold State, the Homeric epics, and Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. I would add Ouspensky's Fourth Way for ancient - or New Testament - psychology, which is real psychology, and explains the ancient, simple formula for developing level of being (in a context of what systematic theology would call synergistic progressive sanctification as opposed to monergistic definitive sanctification). 

That formula being conscious labor, intentional suffering.

I said this will be hard to get at, and I don't really know where to go to from here. I have some visuals of a person who has experienced real suffering. Truly had his vanity and pride beaten down. His self-will exposed as empty. Not become humble so much as been humbled. Images of sitting in the dust as the world lords it over him. True separation. True separation from the world. 

I suppose the Book of Job could supply a lot of imagery and wisdom here.

You can be ragged and a nobody and be a true Christian, but you can't be a common dope and be a true Christian. The bar is set high, but the Holy Spirit enables one to meet and exceed that bar. The very effort - time-demanding, dedicated effort - to read and understand the Bible gets one ninety percent of the way there, methinks. It trains and equips one in what is needed. 

Of course you're picking up some armor and an awesome offensive weapon along the way. A miraculous shield as well. You're becoming a prophet, a priest, and a king.....on the King's Highway........with a real destination.


The Grand Inquisitor

I don't know why people think the Grand Inquisitor chapter in the Brothers Karamazov is some sort of atheist manifesto. It's basically a very piercing critique of the Roman Catholic Church; and extremely on-the-mark, in my opinion. It's definitely deep waters. More deep waters than what's gone on prior in the novel. Ivan, in the novel, uses the three things Satan tempted Jesus with in the desert to describe how the RCC has gone over to Satan's side to 'improve' what Jesus did. It gets deeply into history as well as globalist Satanic movements. Idolatry, etc. Usually in classic novels when Christian doctrine is discussed in any way it's never impressive. This is impressive.


Here is the unforgivable sin, the sin against the Holy Spirit

This subject of the sin against the Holy Spirit, or, the unforgivable sin, is fussed over too much, in terms of what it exactly is. Here is an example of it.

Marxist theorists who have real effect in the real world are an example of individuals who commit the unforgivable sin. This is because they have to KNOW THE TRUTH to effectively attack and undermine the truth. 

Many of these types are Jews as well which answers the conundrum regarding how it seems only the elect could commit the unforgivable sin. Yet the Bible says none of the elect will be lost. So what is it? This: Jews have a type of election. Not unto salvation, but in terms of their unique status of being the people chosen by God to represent and enact His plan of redemption in history. This also gives them insight into the truth (which they then suppress or deny). If they then go on to attack the truth they commit the sin that can't be forgiven.

They sin against the Holy Spirit, and there is nothing left after that for them. No Jesus, no Holy Spirit. Nothing.


Benedict Pictet

I haven't yet read it all, but I'm prepared to say that Benedict Pictet's Christian Theology is perhaps the best overall systematic theology in existence.

Of course all the great Reformed, Calvinist STs give roughly the same doctrine, in different styles and to different degree of depth or conciseness, but Pictet seems to me to be right in the golden mean of overall depth, especially if you are at the point of using a theological work for meditation and prayer and devotion. 

It's only available in eBook at Monergism.com. That I know of. 

It's a summation of the true Genevan school of Calvin. Maybe the final work of that school. I know Turretin is thought of as that, but I'm not saying Pictet is the last word in theology. Bavinck, a Brakel, Vos, Turretin, etc., just if you're looking for a one volume summation that is old path, complete, basic, and gives evocative yet plain prose for meditation and memory of doctrine I think it's perhaps the best I've seen.

Ultimately a simple, powerful Christian library should not be large. It should be able to fit on a small shelf. Our days are numbered. 


Something Protestants don't admit

One thing that Reformation era type Protestants don't recognize or don't admit is how mystical we are compared to the other branches. I mean we spiritualize the church, and we spiritualize the sacraments. I do it to more of an extreme, but all historic, classical Protestants do it to some degree. I think, obviously, that it's legitimate, because for such Protestants regeneration is the main thing. Regeneration by the word and the Spirit. 



When you have the presupposition that there is error in the Bible you are stunted spiritually.

That presupposition actually stunts you internally. You cannot develop or awaken. You remain a typical worldling, not knowing what you don't know.

It's akin to not believing in the supernatural. It's a tell. It's practical atheism. 

So much embarrassment

The embarrassment establishment Protestants feel when talking of or being forced to consider the unique attributes of the King James Version is very similar to their embarrassment when someone reminds them that the New Testament phrase Israel of God refers to Bible-believing, regenerate Christians. 

We Christians are the Israel of God. Not people whose book is the Babylonian Talmud. 


The 7 Satanic Inversions (and 3 Satanic advantages)

Seven Satanic Inversions

1. Evil is good; good is evil.

2. Lies are truth; truth is lies.

3. Criminals are saints; saints are criminals.

4. Beauty is ugliness; ugliness is beauty.

5. Men are women; women are men.

6. Division is unity; unity is division.

7. Children are adults; adults are children.

Bonus: Free speech is censorship; censorship is free speech.

Bonus 2: Predators are victims; victims are predators.

Three Satanic Advantages 

1. Every generation is born a blank slate. It's easy to indoctrinate children for evil; difficult to educate them to maintain civilization.

2. Bad ideas fly like lightning; good ideas are difficult to establish and propagate. This is because bad ideas flatter man's fallen nature and give license to indulging things like resentment.

3. It takes time and effort and know-how to build and create things. Sometimes generations. It only takes the striking of a match to destroy them. 


Error in the Bible?

People knowledgeable of manuscript issues who mock the King James Version believe that the Bible has error in it.

They don't believe in supernatural preservation or any role of the Holy Spirit in shepherding the actual words of the Bible into time and history and into a person's actual hands without error. 

They believe the Bible requires scholars like them to determine what is error and what is not error in the Bible. This is of necessity an ongoing, neverending process. 

They even believe there is error in the original autographs (the original writings of the biblical writers). The original autographs that no longer exist. They think there was error in them as well. I.e. they think God was incapable of presenting His revealed word to his creation without error. But scholars are there to help God in His need. (/sarcasm.)

Meanwhile, I have, in the English language, the pure and whole word of God I can hold right here in my hands. 

It's called the Authorized, King James Version.

The scholars seethe.

Understanding reprobation in one minute

God predestines some to be reprobates. He also tells us there is an unforgivable sin. Reprobates seemingly don't have to commit the unforgivable sin to be lost. They are predestined to be lost. The unforgivable sin seemingly can be committed by the elect. Which is what makes it so horrible. The unforgivable sin seems to be unbelief despite the work of the Holy Spirit within one's soul. So we don't know if a person is a hell bound reprobate due to predestination or an elect who has committed the unforgivable sin. So since we can't know we can't whine about how bad God is to create hellbound people. They could be soulless zombies from birth anyway. Or they could be scary idiots who choose hell over the new heavens and earth. Either way God's justice is magnified when he sends either to hell. Especially the unbelieving elect.

(OK, in the back of my mind there seem to be verses regarding of all that the Father will give to the Son none will be lost. Maybe that means they won't be lost because of anything Satan and the forces of darkness do... Because the unforgivable sin is a real commitable sin...)


4 descriptions of an atheist

1. An atheist is an idolator. The Bible doesn't pose atheism as the antithesis of faith; the Bible poses idolatry as the antithesis of faith.

2. An atheist is a bridge troll. A bridge symbolizes the crossing of a threshold. The bridge troll doesn't want anyone crossing a threshold, so when he hears someone approaching he pops out from under the bridge and tries to dissuade the person from crossing the threshold; and he uses any number of rhetorical approaches, including mocking and abuse, to accomplish this.

3. An atheist is a bird without wings.

4. An atheist sees people dancing and assumes they are crazy...because the atheist can't hear the music.


Critical Text hard truth

[From an email exchange...]

Warfield has two marks against him. One is the evolution thing, but he seemed to have come off that later in life. The other is he established the Critical Text and the presuppositions behind it at Princeton Theological Seminary. This is his worst legacy. Those types forever after want to make it a silly argument between 'King James Onlyism' vs. serious adult scholarship. It's really an argument between faith in the supernatural preservation of Scripture vs. naturalism, empiricism, rationalism. People who hold to the latter regarding the Bible get stunted. Spiritually stunted. The Bible becomes something that needs them (scholars) more than they need it. It becomes a document no different from any other ancient document like Plutarch or Plato. They now look down on the text and determine what the text should be, what should be included, what should be excluded, rather than looking up to the Bible as being above them with real authority. 

Once you concede error in the Bible it establishes a priesthood of scholars as being above the Holy Spirit. It establishes their necessary human authority.

James White and canon scholar Michael J. Kruger gave a talk. They said the books of the Bible (the canon) were set by the Holy Spirit, not man or the Catholic Church. They gave all the good reasons for the necessity of believing this. THEN they continued to talk of the actual WORDS of the Bible and hemmed and hawed their stance that the actual WORDS of the Bible  COULD be determined by man. Because otherwise they'd have to come away from their Critical Text stance, and that is a bridge too far for them. So they have come 50% of the way to the faith position, but refuse to go 100% of the way. It was very telling...


One sentence often got me banned on pro Critical Text forums: 

There's a difference between editing a similar stream of manuscripts vs. reconstructing a manuscript based on diverse streams and sources. 

This sentence is in response to the challenge that the manuscripts underlying the KJV had to be edited.


There's also another important distinction in this general subject of the Bible that I never saw and wish I had: there's a difference between teachers and leaders of Christians vs. everyday believers regarding how they are effected by the Critical Text product.

A person who innocently engages a Critical Text Bible is not necessarily being stunted by the presuppositions that accompany such a product. They are getting an imperfect Bible, yes, but they are taking it in purely, or, like a child, to use the biblical metaphor.

It's the scholars, pastors, and knowing so-called lay people who are getting stunted spiritually. Not only that they are influencing those not privvy to the Satanic downgrade and narcissistic demands of fallen nature that are producing the imperfect Bibles. The Critical Text Bibles get more and more radically changed in time. The original NIV comes out with queer and gender theory changes to the text. Let that stand as enough of an example. 

In time Critical Text Bibles reflect the Satanic influence that powers them. 

The Bible itself makes the distinction between leaders and teachers of Christians vs. everyday believers. I.e. God comes down harder on heresy and false teaching or incompetent leadership and teaching than He does on believers who are not assuming positions of influence over others.

So I wish I'd seen this distinction whenever a Critical Text devil conflated innocent readers of their downgraded product with themselves. 


This historical adoption of the Critical Text paradigm over the faithful Holy Spirit inspired paradigm destroyed the power of the faith and the power of biblical doctrine in both the institutions teaching the faith and individuals who adopt the Satanic approach. 

I used the word stunted intentionally. The churches, the institutions, the people in them are spiritually stunted. The power of the faith is lost. The ability of the faith - the Word - to speak individuals into awakened real beings is lost. 

Go Satanic at the fount, the very word of God, and you can be doctrinally sound on everything else and still be no different than a worldly unbeliever.

Though I don't question anybody's state with God regarding salvation. I do say though that you can be a Christian while being absolutely worthless in Christ's army.