An un-asked-for response to the iMonk
"As I’ve come to grips with the truth that most people don’t like me, I treasure my friends who do all the more."
Oh, come on, iMonk. People always get lambasted when they are seen self-identifying as something that they're not, especially when truth is involved (i.e. Reformed, Calvinist doctrine). You tried to maneuver away from being seen as Reformed and all that, but the fact is you got an audience via it, then you began to slam it in the "been there" mode.
You're also seen as a common, juvenile: "Look at me, will I embrace truth? won't I? stay tuned! Maybe I! But tomorrow never knows!!!"
Self-absorbed, playing-with-evil, wobbly-ism as a way to gain and retain an audience. "What will the iMonk say about this? Oh, look, he thinks its OK to speculate that Jesus was gay. Oh, wait a minute, the iMonk is embracing a vigorous justification by faith alone today. Interesting. I'll tune in tomorrow to see what this unpredictable person will say. He will probably outrage me, or suprise me by agreeing with truth, either way I'll have something to react to."
It's all the same vampire-ism that plays out in television and radio talk show hosts, just on a smaller, internet scale. You want attention and energy like a vampire wants blood.
This ongoing lesson your wife is providing for you (her 'converting' to the Roman Catholic Church, provoking you from inside the domain of the Beast, being a mirror for you, and calling you to become real) will go to waste unless you start to get serious and embrace truth and stand in defense of it and proclaim it and live it.